Hello, and welcome to Indigo Wellbeing.
You’ll shortly be sent a Booking Confirmation email confirming your appointment. Please confirm your attendance via the link.
Discovery Call
If you’ve booked a discovery call, Emily will phone you at the appointment time on the telephone number you’ve provided.
Calls are usually about 15 minutes
If you’ve booked a consultation you’ll be sent a Health Questionnaire, a 3-day food diary and terms and conditions and an invitation to Activate your Client Account.
Please take the time to answer all questions as honestly and accurately as possible. The more information you're able to provide, the better I can tailor your treatment plan. All details will be held in the strictest confidence.
Please complete the forms in advance of your initial consultation to allow me time to review them. They will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Once you’ve activated your client account, you will have access to a secure client portal within my clinic management system.
You can complete forms, book an appointment, upload documents, keep a food and lifestyle journal and view my recommendations and your treatment plan.
There is more information on downloading the Practice Better App, logging into your account and a video tour of your client portal below.
Joining your appointment
When it’s time, “join the Zoom session” using the mobile app or a recent version of Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox online at the time of your appointment.
This information is also available on the Members Area of the Indigo Wellbeing website for reference.
For Indigo Wellbeing Clients... Log into your client portal online or download the Practice Better app on iOS or Google Play to access your treatment plan, recommendations, journals, forms and upload documents.